Friday, January 23, 2015

Focus Your Genie !


(based on the genius)

1. Perceive & Represent The Desired Experience.

2. Focus-Off-To-The-Side.

The desire is not the same as the reality. You may actually be experiencing the reality now, in the form of the desire. Because when you "get there" to the life you want you will probably find that it is different than you expected.

That's why I suggest focusing more "off to the side". Pick an aspect of that lifestyle, and focus on that.

If it's a car you want, for example, nevermind the car itself. What about finding a suitable replacement for the windshield wiper that needs to be ordered direct from Italy because you have such a rare model?

When you send a letter or fax to Italy, what is the postal standard or country code?

Who is the contact there in the repair and parts center?

By focusing "off to the side" you may find that you didn't need the wiper blade after all. And, as a bonus, the car is now in your garage.

We only know of something via something else. We cannot perceive of something directly.

All things "exist" in relationship to other things.

So think of these other things and these other details. Your subconscious will fill in the gaps and make your story more relative.

As you focus "off to the side" your Genius will fill in the blanks to what you can't focus on. That is to say, "Well.. my conscious self is calling around for a new wiper blade for a car that isn't there yet. He's been calling for weeks! Why don't I just materialize the car so that it makes more sense?"

The car may not materialize over night but you may find it much, much closer to your experience. The car is all ready there but you don't see it yet until it makes sense to see it.

Hope this helps some :)c