Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Genius

Using the Genius you can create a map from one perception to the next. If you can imagine it then you can show yourself how to get there from where you are.

The best part about the Genius maps is that we're working with locations in your mind, not physical locations. Therefore, the effect could be immediate and otherwise effortless.

You need only change your perception. The Genius is the way to do just that. It works because everything that exists is one or more of the 4 elements of X. The Genius is how we create reality.

The steps to making a Genius map follow the basic principles of X Prime.

1-Create symbol: Represent your desired thought, object, or experience physically.

2-Find possibility: Create or use space for your symbol or the interactions.

3-Interact: Allow the symbol or representation to interact with the various elements of your reality

5-Structure: For added bonus, develop structure around the interactions.

Basically, in order to change your reality you simply interact with new representations (symbols). If you want to change your life then change how you represent your life. Your "life" is created from the relationships that the symbols or representations in your life have together.
So, for example, let's say that you want a new car.

Step One: Create a representation or symbol

You can start by taking photos with your camera of the car you're thinking about, or drawing pictures of it, or putting together a few toothpicks. Then find ways to interact with it. Allow your representation(s) to interact with other things and people. Put it on the street, show a family member, use it as a paperweight, etc.

The more something is symbolized the more its significance can increase as people interact with your symbols. (More about interaction in step 4.)

An easy way to think of a representation for it is to make a list of some of the things you think about when you think about what it is you want. Then, from the list, circle those things or experiences which you could do now, even if in a small way.

For example:

To represent...
You could...

A trip to Europe > Cut out pictures from European magazines

A new car > Take some photos of the car you want

True love > Do something you would only do with that person

Wealth > A magazine that you think wealthy people read

Your dream house > Go see your dream houses, and take photos

In life, most people stop here without doing much else. They may do a little something that represents more or less what they want, but nothing ever really comes of it. They begin to lose faith in their dream because it does not materialize soon enough.

What went wrong?

To make your representation come alive, continue on to steps 2, 3, and 4.

Step Two: Add some rules

Once you have a representation, the next step is to create a structure around it. This means building some rules and guidelines around your representation. They don't need to be perfect.

What does it mean to build structure? Think of the second step as creating some laws for your new representation. Two or three will do. You can add more if you feel you can stick to them.

For example, if your representation is drawings of cars that you've made then you can make a rule that you will always paint the wheels of your drawings black and cover the drawing with tissue paper every night, or after you've shown one person your drawing you will create a new drawing.

It doesn't matter how silly any of your rules are.

What matters is that you are introducing your representation into your environment. You're introducing its physicality to your perspective.

You're making the symbol comfortable in your world and pre-relating it with the representations already in your world.

Not all of your rules and guidelines have to make sense. As long as they are precise and you stick to them they will work fine.

Step Three: Add space for possibilities

This is the easiest step, as it requires minimal planning and execution. Oftentimes the possibility step will be obvious.

The possibility element for...
Could be...

Hanging out at a European cafe > The cafe itself

Taking some photos of the car you want > A car dealership

Doing something you would only do with your 'true love' > The minimal feelings you have for your invitee

A magazine that you think wealthy people read > The bookstore or magazine shop

Going to see your dream houses, and taking photos > Inside the houses

Step Four: Allow your symbol to interact

This step is probably the most important. Without the symbols interacting with your environment they cannot be integrated with your environment. If the new symbols don't interact then your reality stays the same.

New symbols you create must develop relationships with the symbols already in your perspective.

A relationship happens automatically as soon as you introduce a symbol or representation into your reality.

The more symbols interact with different aspects of your reality, the greater the result.

The interaction for...
Could be...

Hanging out at a European cafe > talking with others in the cafe

Taking some photos of the car you want > looking at the car and sharing your photos with others

Doing something you would only do with your 'true love' > going on a trip, talking with others

A magazine that you think wealthy people read > calling companies advertised in the magazine

Going to see your dream houses, and taking photos > talking with a real estate agent and others about the house you like

How does this work? When will it work for me?

How do these different parts of the process come together to change your experience?

By adding structure to your representation you attract potential energy and enable the right kind of interactions, from which new representations are born which bring you even closer to (or completely fulfill) your desire.

The time required to see it in your perspective depends on how relative these things are with your current perspective. As in, "how logical would it be to jump there from where I am standing?"

It's not that you're creating the new car out of thin air, but shifting your perspective. The steps above should provide the necessary intent to your "subconscious" to make that shift.

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