Monday, October 14, 2013

A Thought Experiment (if i may)


If I may, a thought experiment.

Imagine that each probability that exists is a pathway.
There are many different types of pathways such as hallways, walkways and corridors, alleyways, midways, streets and avenues, broadways, highways, etc.

So, we have different "sizes" of probabilities. Some probabilities are more related to other probabilities so thus become "larger" as more things travel on them. A road can become a highway as more cars travel on it, for example.

Further, each probability can connect with any other probability. Any two or more pathways can connect, forming a "nexus of probabilities".

The more probabilities that connect, the larger the nexus is and the easier it is to travel. (Because the more probabilities that interact with it, the more relative it is to the probability you are experiencing. This enables you to not only walk down the street and have different things happen but also to travel in space time (as long as where you are going is relative to where you are most experienced).)
There are representations of this in outer space that you sometimes call 'black holes' and sometimes call other things. These 'black holes' exist everywhere to some degree. The larger the black hole, so to speak, the more relative it is to that which meets it.

You can see less relative representations of these nexi in physical places like street corners. Some corners (and the areas surrounding them) will be good for business or social exchanges, for example. Usually, the greater this metaphysical nexus is the greater the physical pathway becomes. Thus, we have cities, families, ideas, encounters, etc., all illustrating their shrinking or growing metaphysical nexus.

You can think of the center of a galaxy as a combining of probabilities both literally and figuratively. But these 'black holes' can also be found in your body and time/space, and everywhere else.
It's simply the force of attraction/repulsion (the element Chaon in Xsys).

Here's the interesting part. When probabilities comprising a nexus are being added at a substantial rate (and, thus, becoming 'too big' for itself) the probabilities will usually clump together and taper off the nexus. At this point it will continue to 'add to' a smaller nexus.
Our worlds began to diverge just before your industrial revolution (and what would have been the time of our industrial revolution).

A few hundred years ago there were many probabilities comprising this nexus. The feedback and feed forward of the concepts and activities surrounding the industrial revolution eventually enabled the poly furcation of these probabilities.

Thus, there are now *many* worlds just like your own that are at their own stages of development, all having substantially diverged from yours nearly 300 hundred years ago.

Most likely there will soon be a scientific breakthrough in your world that will enable development of "warp drive" based not on traversing physical space but utilizing these ever-present nexus points to combine the "here" with the "there".

It is no different than experiencing a smell by using memory to recall a smell from 10 years ago rather than recreating the same smell in the present. Not using memory (a "black hole") will eventually sound as ridiculous to you as using rocket fuel to reach the moon. You already connect to non-physical worlds on a smaller scale (such as with intuition, or even sight/sound). You just don't realize how real these experiences are yet.

When we use a computer, for example, it is not that we are interacting with a separate physical object to perform tasks. The physical object is simply a (non-physical) representation of a miniature solar system of concepts. The computer is no more real that the word or even the thought of it. You've developed these representations in order to do something you could not otherwise do.

We can use our minds to add 1+1, or we can use a calculator.

Eventually (probably) you will be able to connect to a massive network using your mind instead of computer hardware. The "physical" representations you use now to perform these non-physical tasks is just so that the concepts and tools can be formed internally.
It is similar to you, as a baby, trying to verbalize words using your vocal cords in order to be able to *think* in a new way and do things you could not previously do.

So when you're looking at a physical object you're looking at a 'black hole'. Other things have combined together in a nexus of probabilities. In one probability the chair is a lake, in the other the lake is a chair. You can "get to the lake from the chair", so to speak.

When this world realizes that physical distance (and distance in time) is not absolute then we will begin to do things that science fiction hasn't even come up with yet. Things that I cannot even begin to explain.

This is most likely to occur after the current period, when it is realized the 'changes' most of us have envisioned would occur (for example, with 2012) are representations of non-physical changes. Like a dream.

It all begins with Representation.

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